How Does Your Business Benefit From Developing A Cloud-Based Software?

Cloud computing has become a buzzword in the business world. It’s created a lot of hype, but what does it mean for your company?

The cloud is basically another way of storing and accessing data. Cloud-based software is a piece of software that’s stored on the internet, instead of on your computer or in your company’s servers. This way, you can access it from any computer with an internet connection. Developing cloud-based software can be an excellent way to future-proof your business.

1. Flexibility

Flexibility is one of the biggest benefits of moving your business to cloud computing. You will have access to your data from anywhere at any time, no matter what device you’re using. You can also add or remove users as needed, which means if you need more people on board then they can be easily added without having to start the process over again. Additionally, if new features are added in the future, it’s easy for your team members to adopt them into their workflow through these simple changes. With this type of flexibility in mind too—you can also add or remove servers as needed for different projects and processes within your company.

2. Reliability

Cloud software for business is inherently more reliable than locally installed software. When your business uses cloud-based software, you are leveraging the power of the internet to access applications and data from anywhere. This means that your employees don’t have to worry about being able to access their files remotely. Even if you lose some of your infrastructures, such as servers or a local office building, you can still access important data stored on these servers through another device (such as a mobile phone) that has internet access. When using cloud-based solutions like Office 365 or Gmail, there are no hardware upgrades or server maintenance required by their providers – so all this work falls away from the user’s shoulders!

3. Better Collaboration

Collaboration and communication are the keys to success in business. Cloud-based software allows for better collaboration between team members, as well as more effective communication with key stakeholders. This can lead to saving time and money on projects and making improvements more quickly.

4. Reduced Expenses

Cloud-based software is a pay-as-you-go model, meaning you only pay for what you need. This can be an attractive option for small businesses that are constantly juggling bills in an attempt to stay afloat. You no longer have to purchase hardware and install software on it; there’s no need for maintenance or upgrades; backups can be handled by the vendor without your assistance, and there are no upfront costs at all.

Cloud-based business tools can significantly reduce costs by making it possible for companies to cut back on physical offices, equipment, and staffing levels while still providing employees with everything they need to work efficiently and effectively.

Flexibility. Let’s say your business grows and you need more power than what was originally agreed upon: with cloud software, this is never a problem! All it takes is some simple communication between you and your vendor, who will then increase your server capacity at no extra cost (at least not immediately).

5. Easier to Scale

In any business, scaling is not always easy. You may have to hire more employees or add additional customers to your services. This can be challenging because you may not have enough time to manage these new resources and keep them productive at the same time. With cloud computing software, however, you can easily scale your business by adding more users as needed. You only pay for what you use so if one of your employees suddenly becomes unavailable due to a vacation or illness in their family, there’s no reason for panic!

6. Competitive Edge

Because it’s easier to develop and deploy software when you don’t have to think about the underlying infrastructure, cloud computing is a competitive advantage. By focusing on your core business, you can develop a better product and provide the best customer service possible. Cloud computing allows you to concentrate on your customers. 

7. Cloud Computing is Greener

The benefits of cloud computing to the environment are numerous, and include:

  • Less energy consumption. The power that a data center needs to run is much less than what would be required if you had a traditional server sitting in your office all day. That’s because the cloud can be scaled down or up depending on how many people are using it at any given time (i.e., when more people log into their accounts, more servers are turned on). Also, because the hardware is shared among multiple users, there are no idle machines lying around waiting for their next task which also reduces electricity use.
  • Reduced carbon footprint. Less fuel is required by trucks running between businesses when they exchange files in real-time rather than sending them via mail or messenger service.

8. Challenges

Cloud computing is a great solution for businesses of all sizes, but it does have some challenges. The biggest challenge is that you need to be comfortable with the fact that your data is not on your own servers. You do not have any control over your data. In the cloud, your data is stored on a remote server and you are granted access to it through an internet connection. If you don’t have an internet connection, it’s likely that your data will not be available to you.


Cloud computing offers many benefits that make it an attractive option for businesses looking to innovate quickly while minimizing costs associated with upgrading their infrastructure. Cloud technology allows software companies to create and deliver products that are easier to use, faster, and more robust than ever before. These advantages make the cloud a powerful tool in any strategy aimed at increasing market share or customer loyalty. At Cyber Networks, we create industry-specific solutions that enable businesses to move from traditional systems to cloud-based computing solutions. With more and more businesses exploring and discussing ideas for better operational efficiency and economies of scale, cloud computing delivers unmatched flexibility and efficiency.

How To Streamline Business By Connecting Software With APIs

Businesses need to be able to streamline their operations. This is especially true in an environment where technology is constantly evolving. API(Application Programming Interface) is the bridge between two software systems. It allows for communication, data sharing, and collaboration between different systems. For example, if you have a web application that needs to query data from a database and display it to the user, you can use an API to call that database directly through your own system. This means that you don’t need to access the database directly — you can just pass requests through an API instead of writing complicated code to connect with another server on your own.

APIs help businesses are more agile and respond more quickly to changes and opportunities. The API is a set of rules that tell the software how to interact with another application. Connecting your software with an API allows you to access tools in real-time, increasing the speed at which you can perform tasks, as well as freeing up resources within your organization so they can be allocated elsewhere where they’re needed most.

How do APIs help businesses?

API integration helps to do more with less time, resources, and money. 

APIs help you break down silos between teams and empower your business to be more agile. The fact that APIs are accessible from anywhere means that people can work together without being in the same physical location, and therefore make decisions faster. This is especially important when it comes to responding quickly to changes or opportunities in your market—you won’t have to wait for everyone on the team to be present in order for them all to get their input before making a decision.

Another benefit of using APIs is that they provide a greater level of visibility into how different business units are operating: For example, if there’s an issue with one department’s work that has caused problems for another(such as lost revenue), you’ll be able to identify it sooner rather than later via data analytics tools like Google Analytics(which integrates with many third-party apps) or Sentry, which offers real-time monitoring capabilities across all platforms including web apps, mobile apps, and IoT devices.

Integrating APIs into your business can improve efficiency in several ways:

1. Reduce duplicate data entry between software

2. Improve user experience with better data integration

3. Increase availability and scalability

Breaks down silos and creates a unified brand across channels.

APIs are a way to connect your software with other software, and they’re a great way to break down the walls between different departments or teams that are working on similar tasks. For example, if you manage a sales department, an API could be used as an interface between your CRM(Customer Relationship Management) and accounting software for creating invoices based on data from the sales team’s database. This system would allow both departments to share information more easily than before: instead of creating separate reports or digging through spreadsheets, all necessary information would be available in real-time on one screen at any given time. By using an API for this sort of integration between business functions, businesses can improve their overall efficiency by focusing on their core operations—and avoid unnecessary duplication of effort by sharing resources across departments without having them become dependent upon each other.

APIs Integration Strategy Strengthens the Customer Experience

Customers want to interact with a single brand across all channels, whether it’s through an online store or in-store. APIs can help businesses streamline the customer experience, creating a unified brand across channels. Consumers expect companies to offer consistent experiences across mobile devices and websites.

APIs also help you provide a consistent customer experience. The ease and efficiency with which businesses are able to connect their software programs through APIs mean that your customers will have access to more features than ever before—and they’ll be able to use those features more easily.

Challenges that come with API integration for business.

1. API integration can be complicated and time-consuming. Your organization will need to plan for the technical aspects of integrating APIs into its business processes, as well as determine which data or services it wants to use from each API provider. You’ll also have to create a custom integration layer that handles any data formatting issues between the different systems so that they can communicate with one another effectively.

2. The API integration can be expensive. If your team doesn’t have sufficient knowledge or experience with programming languages like Java or Python, then outsourcing this work could prove costly in terms of both time and money spent training new employees or hiring outside consultants who specialize in working with these technologies.

3. Security planning and testing are important components of API integration, as any successful API integration requires the host application and the connected application to have secure communication between them. Companies need to make sure that they’re prepared for this before attempting an API integration.

4. Companies should make sure they understand what security requirements their applications need, as well as how these requirements could change over time based on changes in technology or business needs. This is especially important when establishing new relationships with third-party vendors, who may use different methods of communication than those that are currently being used within the company itself (i.e., specific network protocols).

5. API security is another issue worth considering before moving forward with your plans for implementing an API strategy within your company: While software vendors usually take steps toward ensuring that their APIs are secure by design when released into production—by adding authentication measures like two-factor authentication(2FA) and using SSL encryption protocols(TLS/HTTPS) across all endpoints—it’s still important for customers using these products to ensure they’re doing everything they can themselves while building out their own implementation strategy.

Ways to use an API for your business.

When you use an API, you can connect your software to a third-party system. This is done in many ways:

1. Connecting your software with a database

2. Integrating with another website or mobile app

3. Communicating data between two programs in real time


Use APIs to connect your software and improve your data’s usefulness. If you’re looking to streamline your business, integrating APIs will help you get there. APIs have many benefits for businesses, but they can also be difficult to implement. The key is to plan carefully and test thoroughly before you dive into API integration. If done right, an API integration can make all the difference in your business—helping you reach new customers and grow faster than ever before!

CRM as a Vital Tool in Digital Transformation

In a modern work environment, CRM is vital to keeping track of clients and prospects. The CRM (or customer relationship management) system helps businesses keep track of all their client interactions, whether by email or phone calls. A good CRM will make it easier for a company to organize information about its customers – such as contact details, purchase history, and more. It can also help you manage your sales pipeline and records how long it takes to close deals with each prospect.

CRM manages business effectively

CRM is a customer relationship management system. It’s a vital tool for companies looking to launch digital transformation, as it can help you understand your customers and their needs in order to create better products and services.

The first step in using a CRM is understanding how it works. A CRM allows businesses to manage customer data in one place so they’re able to interact with each other more efficiently and effectively. This means that companies can keep track of all the interactions they’ve had with customers over time, including phone calls, emails, live chats, and more. As interactions occur between your business and its customers, the information will be added to the CRM so you don’t lose track of important details down the line (like when someone called last week).

CRM helps to create successful marketing campaigns

With the help of a CRM, you can collect data from your customers and use it to create the most effective and successful marketing campaigns possible. This is where the true power of digital transformation comes in: by leveraging this information and combining it with other relevant data, like demographics or past purchase history, you can create targeted messages that speak directly to your customer’s unique needs.

As an example, let’s say that you have a clothing store selling women’s clothing with sizes ranging from 0-18. In order to better understand who their ideal customer is (and what they’re looking for), they would want as much insight into their customers’ preferences as possible—including things such as size, style preferences (casual wear vs office attire), age range (which will affect how old they feel comfortable dressing), etc. With this data at hand, they could tailor all future marketing efforts toward attracting those particular types of shoppers instead of wasting money on ads aimed at everyone else in their industry who wouldn’t be interested anyway!

A cloud-based CRM 

A cloud-based CRM will help you and your team stay on top of the sales pipeline. You can see what has been done, what needs to be done, and what is next in line. The CRM’s automation capabilities allow you to track the progress of each sale and how much time has been spent on each task.

A cloud-based CRM is much easier to implement and maintain than a traditional on-premise solution. These platforms are also more secure and are updated in real time across all devices. In addition, because they can be accessed from anywhere (including mobile devices), they allow your entire team to work together more easily—and quickly.

CRMs have the power to help you make better business decisions, and they can do so with greater ease than ever before.

1. A cloud-based CRM system offers a number of benefits over on-premise solutions:

2. It’s more cost-effective. Since there are no hardware or software costs associated with storing data in the cloud, you can use your budget for other purposes.

3. It’s easier to maintain and upgrade your cloud-based systems than it is to upgrade an on-premise solution—and upgrades won’t require downtime!

4. Cloud storage also makes it easier for you to keep up with regulations like GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) because of its security features that protect customer data from prying eyes

CRM in Digital transformation provides seamless CX (Customer Experience)

By providing a seamless customer experience, you’ll be able to connect with your customers faster than ever, making your company more accessible in the process.

You can provide answers to questions faster by using a CRM. This will help you to connect with customers and show that their needs are important to you.

You can also provide help with problems faster when working with a CRM because it keeps track of the issues that have occurred before and how they were resolved. If a similar problem occurs again, then it’s easier for someone who already knows how to fix it because they remember all the information stored in their system. With this type of knowledge at hand, employees will be able to resolve customer issues in less time while still handling other tasks at the same time.

Automation allows you to segment your customers 

Segmentation is a key component of digital transformation. With automation, you can segment your customers into different groups according to their preferences, making it easier to cater to them on an individual basis. This will allow you to better understand what kind of messaging works best for each group and engage with them accordingly. 

Through CRM software, the data can be tracked and analyzed

Using a CRM to make decisions related to your business will be a lot easier thanks to the data that can be tracked and analyzed through a CRM. Find below the benefits:

Data is more accurate: As you grow, so does your customer base, which means more interactions with them. A CRM provides an organized way for all of these interactions to be stored and accessed at any time, giving you an unrivaled level of accuracy when it comes to recording data about customers’ preferences and past purchases. This can help avoid mistakes later on in the process when trying to determine what products or services each customer enjoys—or if they enjoyed them at all!

Data is more comprehensive: A big part of any organization’s success lies within its ability to maintain a comprehensive picture of its customers’ lives from day one until long after they’ve moved on from being clients; this requires having full access to every bit of information about those individuals through their entire lifecycle with your company (which starts with acquiring new leads).


CRM is a vital tool in digital transformation. The technology has allowed businesses to connect with their customers on a deeper level and build relationships. In addition, companies can now understand their customers’ needs and want better than ever before. This enables them to offer more personalized services that will help them grow their business while also satisfying their clients’ needs. There are many advantages of using this type of software in achieving your goals. We understand your need for CRM and would provide you with a CRM system that works according to your business needs.

The Real Costs of Application Development

The development of an application can seem simple. However, building a mobile app is more than just having a creative idea and picking a platform. App development requires a significant investment of time, money, and human resources. The average cost of developing an application is generally accepted in the range of $50,000 to $200,000. But these costs only include the development of the application.

App Development Lifecycle

The mobile app development lifecycle is the process of creating an application from start to finish.

1. Concept and Design: During this stage, product requirements are defined and your vision for the application’s user experience is created in a specification document.

2. A Prototype: It is basically a rough draft of your idea that you can show customers before it’s finished, allowing them to provide feedback and help guide the design process. Prototypes are essential if you want to make sure your application will meet customer needs and expectations—and they’re also necessary if you want investors or other potential backers to support its development.

3. Development: Your app will be built in accordance with its specifications. If you’re working with outsourced developers, it’s crucial that they follow best practices like Agile methodology to ensure they deliver high-quality software at an efficient pace (and on a budget).

4. Testing and Debugging: It’s not enough just to create a functional piece of software; it must also perform well when put into action by real users. The testing phase ensures that each feature works as intended before being released into production so that any bugs can be identified early on rather than after launch day arrives—and become public knowledge!

The time to complete this cycle is typically between three months and one year, depending on the complexity of the app. The costs of application development would depend on the complexity and size of the project.

Ongoing Support & Maintenance

It’s important to note that ongoing support and maintenance is an essential part of any mobile app development process. It is not just about building the app; it also involves keeping an eye on how users are interacting with it, making necessary adjustments, fixing bugs and adding new features if need be.

There are ongoing costs involved in developing software such as maintenance fees and preventing bugs from cropping up. If these things aren’t accounted for at all stages of development then they may end up costing more money later on in production than they would have had they been included during initial planning stages.

The cost of maintaining an application depends on the type of application development and its complexity. The first step in reducing the maintenance cost is to ensure that your system is well documented; this will make it easier for others to understand how it works. You should also use open-source software whenever possible because this allows you to take advantage of the work done by others without having to pay for it.

Integration Management

Integration management is the process of ensuring that all systems and subsystems work together. Integration management costs can be substantial, depending on the complexity of your application’s architecture. The more complex your application, the more expensive it will be to integrate all its components efficiently and effectively.

Fortunately, there are ways to reduce these costs: using a cloud-based solution will lower your bottom line considerably since it automates many aspects of integration management that would otherwise require manual labor and large amounts of time.

Quality Assurance Testing

Quality Assurance (QA) Testing is the process of identifying and removing bugs from a software product with the help of automated tools.

The main goal of QA testing is to make sure that the application works as expected. This can be achieved by testing every aspect of an application, including functionality, usability, accessibility and performance. The cost of quality assurance testing depends on various factors such as the number of products being tested, the team size, and the type of software.

Performance and Scalability

Performance is the speed at which your application runs. This can be measured by how quickly it responds to user input, how fast a transaction completes, or in other measures based on real-world usage scenarios.

Scalability is increasing its capacity to handle more users, data, and tasks. There are several ways to scale applications, including:

Scaling up: Adding more hardware resources to a single machine

Scaling out: Splitting up workloads across multiple machines

Scaling down: Eliminating unused servers in order to save money on cloud computing costs

Horizontally (adding more CPUs or RAM): Increasing the processing power of an individual server when it’s under load or running low on resources

The Average Cost of Building an App Internally vs Hiring a Development Agency

The cost of building an app depends on several factors, including the complexity of the app, its platform and features, and whether you outsource its development.

In general, developing a mobile application costs 2023 from $5,000-$50,000 for a simple app. Medium to complex apps can range from $50,000-$250,000. But if you’re looking at hiring an outside agency to build your app for you instead of doing it in-house—which can range anywhere from $50k-$200k—you’ll probably save yourself money in the long run.

Mobile Platform for application

The platform you choose for your application depends on the audience you want to reach and how much money you have. If the majority of your target audience is on iOS, then an iPhone app will be more effective than an Android app. The same goes for other mobile platforms: Windows Phone users are less likely to use a mobile website than Apple or Google fans are, so consider creating native apps for those users instead of relying on a mobile website.

Impact of costs on features and functions

“Real costs” are the total cost of ownership over the life of an application, including all costs associated with building it and maintaining it. Those types of “real” expenses can impact different parts of your business especially if you’re a small or medium-sized organization. Because they can affect performance, scalability, and even user experience (UX/UI), real costs will also impact:-

The features in your application—if these aren’t important to your users then don’t include them!

Quality assurance testing is required before launch—make sure you have enough time for this step!

Integration management once you go live—you want to make sure everything works as intended for every user on day one so beta testing beforehand is suggestable!


The real costs of application development are a lot more complicated than it seems. Many people don’t realize that there are several factors that go into determining the final price tag, such as hourly rates and expected costs. There are also unexpected costs, which can add up quickly if you don’t have a handle on them from the start. 

We know from experience that application development that is done without proper planning and monitoring can result in delays and cost overruns. This is the main reason numerous organizations fail to utilize an application properly or develop a robust application that actually serves the business needs of the organization. As a result, we are here to help you build your application. Click here to know more about our services.